
Thursday, March 12, 2015

South African mercenary killed in Nigeria

Johannesburg - The South African private military contractor who died when his tank was attackedin Nigeria knewwhat his mission might entail, his wife Almarie told Netwerk24.
"He went into it with eyeswide open. Luckily he died instantly, which every soldier would want, instead of suffering," shereportedlysaid.
Lotz and five Nigerian soldiers were killed when they were fired on at a roadblock near Maiduguri on Monday.
His commander fromhis days with counter-insurgency unit Koevoetduring theborder war with Namibia, identified only as "Nangombe", was also reportedlykilled.
Second South African death
The South African and Nigerian governmentshave deniedknowledge of South African soldiers training Nigerian soldiers against the militant organisation Boko Haram.
He is the second South African to die there afteranother man died of a heart attack six weeks ago.
His wife said hehad resigned from work in Iraq to go to Nigeria. He was due homeon Monday for a rest.
"I have peace in my mind that he did what was in his blood. Everything just feelsso unreal," she said.
She said theirson Leon, 22, was proud ofhis father.

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