
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Three killed, three wounded in Myanmar IED blast

Threepeoplewere killed and another three were wounded by a mine blast in a conflict-plagued region of eastern Myanmar where martial law had only recentlybeen lifted, state media reported Sunday.
The explosion hit a truck in Chin Swe Haw town, in northernShan State’s Laukkai district, in the early hoursof Saturday morning, the Burmese language Myanma Alinn newspaper said.
Two men and a woman were killed by the blast, while another three were being treatedin hospital.
The paper reported that officials foundanother improvised explosive device near the sceneof thefirst blast that had not detonated.
Laukkai has been the sceneofheavy fighting throughout muchof the year between the military and ethnic Kokang rebels.
The fighting forcedtensof thousands of refugeesto fleeinto neighboring China earlier this year, causing a spike in tensionsbetween Beijing and Naypyidaw.
A stateofemergencywas declared shortlyafter hostilities broke out and was only lifted last month, following landmark elections.
Myanmar’s border regions have long been plagued by civil wars and insurgencies.
The military-backed governmenthas pushed for a wide ceasefirebut some groups, including Kokang rebel fighters, have been left out of negotiations.

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