
Sunday, March 8, 2015

There’s Attempt to Disenfranchise Christians in the North, Say Elders

Following several accusations trailing the lopsided distribution of Permanent Voters’ Cards (PVCs), the National Christian Elders Forum yesterday in Abuja said there is an attempt to disenfranchise Christians in the northernpart of the country.
This came as PVCs distribution in Plateau State, a predominantly Christian state and other areas is still shrouded in controversy between the Plateau State government and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).
The group in a communiqué issued at the end ofa two-day meetingin Abuja, observed that the move to disenfranchise Christians in theNorth has a historical context.
The communiqué signed by the Chairman of the forum Mr. Solomon Ademola, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN); Chairman, Plenary Session, Gen. Joshua N. Dogonyaro, (rtd), and Secretary, Pastor Bosun Emmanuel, observed that Nigeria’s problem is ideological, arguing that, “it is a conflict between liberal democracy and Sharia.
“There is an attempt to disenfranchise Christians in the North from exercising their civic rights during the forthcoming elections throughthe non-issuance of voter’s cards to many Christians in the region.
“Thedestructiveattacksof Muslim insurgents on Christian communities in the North have created a massive population of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria (IDPs) and this group of people may likely be unable to participate in the forthcoming elections,” the group stressed.
To this end, they urged government to “ensure that all Nigerians, irrespective of religion or ethnicity receive the voter’s card and sufficient protectionto exercisetheircivic responsibility.
“In view of the senseless killing of members of the NYSC and many other innocent Nigerians after the 2011 national elections, adequate securitymust be guaranteed before, during, and after thecoming elections.
“Government should also ensure that internally displaced persons (IDPs) receive sufficient opportunity to vote at wherever is theirpresentlocation in the country.
“All politicians must play politics according to the rule of law and we urge Nigerians to votewisely,” they maintained.
The Christians Elders argued that the subtle move to disenfranchise Christians in the north was primarily geared towards undermining the democratic culture already taking rootsin Nigeria.
“There have been relentless attempts to underminedemocracy in Nigeria and replace it with a different ideology based on a religious belief. This can beinferred from the non-justiciable of Section 14 (1 & 2) of the Constitution.
“Thevarious ethnic nationalities consentedin 1957 to form the Nigeria federation on the basis of liberal democracy as National ideology. However, it has been observed that attemptsare being madeto make Nigeria an Islamic statethroughmembership of OIC and D8.
“The 1963 Constitution of Nigeria provided for Sharia as a personal law same as Customary Law, but Sharia has since been elevated as another sourceof legislation over and above the Constitution.
“Innocent Nigerians are recklessly and senselessly killed with impunity by Boko Haram Islamic terrorists and Fulani herdsmen under the corrupted version of Islam, which has been rejected by mainstreamMuslims throughout the world.
“Boko Haram or ISIS cannot be defeated without the cooperation of the mainstream Muslims and Islamic clerics who preachhate sermons.”
To confront this menace, the group in the communiquécalled for united a front to stop division in the country. “Nigerians must integrate as a nation and to achieve this, we must agree on the facts of our past. Thereafter, we can confidently formulate a dreamfor the futureof Nigeria.
“There can be no peace without justice, and if there is no justice in the land, we cannot find justice in our courts, churches, and mosques.
“We must integrate the two races in Nigeria made up of the indigenous Nigerians and those of Arab descent. Integration must go on sideby side with reconciliation.”
On Boko Haram insurgency, the forum contended that, “Innocent Nigerians are recklessly and senselessly killed with impunity by Boko Haram Islamic terrorists and Fulani herdsmen under the corrupted version of Islam, which has been rejected by mainstreamMuslims throughout the world.
“Thelevel of unbridled corruption and graft is theconsequenceof military coup resulting in the over throw of legitimate government and democracy.
“The Nigerian military has been sacrificial and demonstrated commitment to defending theterritorial integrity of Nigeria.”
The forum also resolved that the, “unity of the Nigerian nation is non-negotiable therefore integration and reconciliation must takeplace in order to strengthenit.”
They urged government to “take immediate stepsto promulgate a new constitutionbased on theNational Conference recommendations that would be subject to a referendum and will comply with the original ideology of the nation, which is liberal democracy.”
The Elders Forum noted with satisfaction that, “all attemptsby Boko Haram to provoke the country into an all out war have not succeeded. The forum commended President Jonathan’s refined approach in managing the menace.
“Current level of corruption in the nation, which commenced under previous administrations, is unacceptable and every effort must be made to eradicate this menace.”
They maintained that the “recklessness and impunity with which Boko Haram Islamic insurgents and Fulani herdsmen are killing Nigerians and causing massive devastation in the nation are deplorable and all actions, human and material, must be channeled to stampit out.”
The forum also called for the national intelligence service to “be restructured to meet the demands of a liberal and democraticcountry.”
The Christians Elders also demanded that the, “recommendations of the National Conference should be implemented to the letter.
“Teaching of history lessons should be restored in schools so that succeeding generations will know where we are coming from.
“Moral lessons should be taught in schools to stem the trend of moral decadence in the society. Future National Census should henceforthreflectboth religion and ethnicity.”
On the current plights of youths in the country, the forum tasked the governmenton creating “jobs for our teeming youths and hence reduction of povertyin the nation must be the priority at this time. Ranches should be operated in the states of origin of nomadic cattle rearers to put an end to fatal clashes between farmers and cattle rearers,” theyalso suggested.

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