
Saturday, January 31, 2015

No to poll shift, INEC insists

Despite pressure to shift the February Despite pressure to shift the February general elections, the Chairman of the general elections, the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega, Commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega, and his national commissioners have and his national commissioners have closed ranks to stick to the poll closed ranks to stick to the poll timeline. timeline.

The INEC management members have The INEC management members have opted to protect their integrity than opted to protect their integrity than postpone the elections postpone the elections

Also, the presidential and National Also, the presidential and National Assembly campaigns are expected to Assembly campaigns are expected to stop on February 12. stop on February 12.

A similar campaign schedule for A similar campaign schedule for governorship and state House of governorship and state House of Assembly elections will end on Assembly elections will end on February 26. February 26.

Findings, however, revealed that INEC Findings, however, revealed that INEC commissioners and staff now work late commissioners and staff now work late in line with the poll time which it is not in line with the poll time which it is not ready to change. ready to change.

A highly-placed source said: “Jega, the A highly-placed source said: “Jega, the national commissioners and the national commissioners and the resident electoral commissioners have resident electoral commissioners have resolved to adhere strictly to the poll resolved to adhere strictly to the poll schedule. schedule.

“In fact the usual critics in the INEC “In fact the usual critics in the INEC management have teamed up with management have teamed up with others to respect the wish of Nigerians others to respect the wish of Nigerians to retain the dates for the elections. to retain the dates for the elections.

“They want to stick to the timetable to “They want to stick to the timetable to protect their integrity and the image of protect their integrity and the image of the country in the comity of nations. the country in the comity of nations.

“The INEC team said complying with “The INEC team said complying with the timeline will enhance the integrity the timeline will enhance the integrity of the commission. Though Section of the commission. Though Section 25 of the Electoral 2010(as amended) 25 of the Electoral 2010(as amended) provides that the commission should provides that the commission should appoint dates of elections not earlier appoint dates of elections not earlier than 150 days, but not later than before than 150 days, but not later than before the expiration of the term of the last the expiration of the term of the last holder of that office, the INEC has holder of that office, the INEC has offered to abide by the 150-day offered to abide by the 150-day alternative.” alternative.”

The source also added that the INEC The source also added that the INEC chose to abide by the timetable for the chose to abide by the timetable for the general elections because the general elections because the conditions for poll postponement in conditions for poll postponement in Section 26 (1) of the Electoral Act are Section 26 (1) of the Electoral Act are not currently obtainable in most parts not currently obtainable in most parts of the country. of the country.

“Those calling for poll postponement “Those calling for poll postponement should read this section of the Electoral should read this section of the Electoral Act. There must be cogent and legal Act. There must be cogent and legal factors for poll shift.” factors for poll shift.”

The section says: “Where a date has The section says: “Where a date has been appointed for the holding of an been appointed for the holding of an election, and there is reason to believe election, and there is reason to believe that a serious breach of the peace is that a serious breach of the peace is likely to occur if the election is likely to occur if the election is proceeded with on that date or it is proceeded with on that date or it is impossible to conduct the elections as impossible to conduct the elections as a result of natural disasters or other a result of natural disasters or other emergencies, the commission may emergencies, the commission may postpone the election and shall in postpone the election and shall in respect of the postponed election, respect of the postponed election, provided that such reason for the provided that such reason for the postponement is cogent and postponement is cogent and verifiable.” verifiable.”

Another source in the INEC, who spoke Another source in the INEC, who spoke in confidence, said: “Barely 15 days to in confidence, said: “Barely 15 days to the poll, everything is in place for a the poll, everything is in place for a hitch-free exercise. hitch-free exercise.

“What we are doing is only to “What we are doing is only to crosscheck all arrangements already crosscheck all arrangements already put in place to avoid any slip. The put in place to avoid any slip. The expectations of Nigerians and the expectations of Nigerians and the international community are higher; we international community are higher; we cannot afford to disappoint.” cannot afford to disappoint.”

Findings revealed that the INEC is in Findings revealed that the INEC is in upbeat mood because it has set a upbeat mood because it has set a target to “make the conduct of 2015 target to “make the conduct of 2015 poll better than 2011 elections.” poll better than 2011 elections.”

A national commissioner said: “Our A national commissioner said: “Our integrity is at stake; we cannot integrity is at stake; we cannot postpone the general elections. It will postpone the general elections. It will be a disservice to this nation to do so.” be a disservice to this nation to do so.”

As at press time, it was gathered that As at press time, it was gathered that the INEC will draw the curtains on the INEC will draw the curtains on campaign on February 12. campaign on February 12.

A third source in the commission said: A third source in the commission said: “While the last day for campaign for the “While the last day for campaign for the presidential and National Assembly presidential and National Assembly elections is February 12, that of the elections is February 12, that of the governorship and state House of governorship and state House of Assembly will be February 26. The Assembly will be February 26. The parties are aware of these timelines parties are aware of these timelines which are in the timetable for the which are in the timetable for the general elections. general elections.

“We will not allow any extra day for the “We will not allow any extra day for the parties. Section 99(1) of the Electoral parties. Section 99(1) of the Electoral Act prohibits advertisements or Act prohibits advertisements or broadcast of campaigns 24 hours prior broadcast of campaigns 24 hours prior to the day of election.” to the day of election.”

But anti-poll forces have hatched a But anti-poll forces have hatched a fresh plot to move against the use of fresh plot to move against the use of the 145,000 smart card readers already the 145,000 smart card readers already deployed nationwide in the 119, 973 deployed nationwide in the 119, 973 polling units(PUs). polling units(PUs).

It was learnt that those against the It was learnt that those against the conduct of the February poll might join conduct of the February poll might join issues with the INEC on the deployment issues with the INEC on the deployment of the card readers. of the card readers.

A source added: “These anti-poll forces A source added: “These anti-poll forces have come up with a new argument have come up with a new argument that every voting process must be that every voting process must be captured in the Electoral Act, but the captured in the Electoral Act, but the use of smart card readers is not use of smart card readers is not included. included.

“If possible, they want to go to court to “If possible, they want to go to court to stop the INEC from using the card stop the INEC from using the card readers which are being deployed to readers which are being deployed to check impersonation and rigging.”

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