
Friday, January 30, 2015

#Ladies: 4 healthy hair habits to adopt for fuller, longer hair

Great hair like everything good requires adequate care, maintenance and a healthy dose of patience. We walk you through healthy hair habits to adopt to get you on the right path.
Contrary to seemingly popular opinion, we really can grow black (Nigerian) hair to impressive, beyond shoulder-length (whether or not your mother and every female in your family has long, gorgeous hair).
Just like everything good, long and healthy hair is mostly a function of care and maintenance. Simply put, if you treat your hair right, it will in turn be good to you.
So what exactly does good hair care entail? Lots of conditioning, and a good deal of protecting. To get you started on the right track, here are 4 healthy hair habits you should adopt now to begin to enjoy healthier, fuller hair
1. Condition, condition and more conditioning: The advantages of conditioning the hair cannot be overemphasised. It's great for building moisture and also helps in detangling the hair while keeping it soft. For some hair care experts, co-washing, which is a procedure where the hair is washed with a hair conditioner as opposed to shampoo is the best approach. Either way, its important that the hair is conditioned at least once a week.
2. Steaming is a gal's best friend: Ladies who incorporate this to their hair regimen can attest to the goodness of steaming in their lives. It involves using moist heat alongside conditioning products on the hair and the advantages are endless. Moisture, bounce, fighting breakage, elasticity and strength are just some of the many advantages of steaming.
3. Do away with heating tools: Heating tools like curling irons and tongs are not the best things for the hair as they can cause the hair to break. As much as possible, minimise the use of tongs on your natural hair.
4. Use wide-tooth combs: Just like heating irons, fine tooth combs aren't the best for the hair as they cause the hair to break. Endeavour to use wide-tooth combs for the hair to minimise breakage.

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