
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ebola: Patrick sawyer's widow expresses deepest regrets over dr ameyo adedavoh's death

Widow of late Patrick Sawyer, the man who brought the Ebola Virus Disease into Nigeria, has reacted to the untimely death of Dr Ameyo Adadevou, revealing many seemingly unfavourable reports about her husband before his untimely death.

Decontee Sawyer

Leadership NG reports that Decontee Sawyer regretted the inconsiderate act of her husband for deliberately bringing the Ebola Virus Disease into Nigeria, an act which has made Nigerians to dread handshakes, put a stop to eating of bushmeats and also avoiding contacts with dead bodies of infected persons amongst others.

The resident of Minnesota, USA, made it known in a mail to the Leadership NG that she regrets her first explanation and justification of why her husband, Patrick Sawyer, deliberately travelled to Nigeria, saying it was rather a terrible mistake, the act which made President Goodluck Jonathan to call the late Patrick Sawyer ‘a mad man’.

Sawyer’s widow made known her grief towards the Ebola deaths in Nigeria, which were caused directly by her husband. She also opened up on her marital life, revealing how Patrick Sawyer abandoned her with a 7-month pregnancy for another woman. She further blamed the decayed health system in Liberia on Bigmanism, which is literally called the ‘big man syndrome’.

Related: How To Survive Ebola

The mail read thus:

“I share the pains that the family members of the Nigerian doctor are going through. It is just a pity that Patrick had to cause this damage both in Liberia and Nigeria.”

“I want to reach out to them and express how deeply saddened and sorry I am for their loss and their pain. I do apologise if my words have cost anyone who is grieving more pain. I fall on my knees and ask God for his healing power for all of those who are still infected with Ebola. I pray for all of the families whose loved ones were taken away by this merciless killer Ebola, especially those affected by Patrick’s actions.

Late Patrick Sawyer and wife

“Ebola didn’t start with Patrick in Liberia, as we both know. Ebola was in Liberia from a traveller from Guinea since February of this year. The government knew about it and did nothing. Many Liberians, including me, called out to the government then to close the borders. They didn’t do so until one of their own, Patrick (Sawyer), died in July.

“Many people died before Patrick and their lives were just as important. That is my frustration. Ebola didn’t have to go to Nigeria, Africa’s most populated country, had the Liberian government taken drastic actions sooner. I, too, have family members and friends in Nigeria, and now they are at risk because of Patrick’s actions.

Patrick Sawyer and daughter

“In spite of my anger and disappointment with him, I don’t believe that he did this with evil intent (I could be wrong). I believe his actions were that of a desperate man. And sad for everyone involved, Nigeria was closer than the U.S. This is just my take on what he could have been thinking (of course, I could be wrong).

“My regret is that I was so caught up in my own pain and frustration, that I neglected to see the pain of the innocent people both in Liberia and Nigeria who are affected by Patrick’s actions. For that, I am deeply sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was to cause them pain. “Going to Nigeria was one of them. His act was one of a desperate man. Many Nigerians and Liberians are affected because of that act of desperation.”

It would be recalled that just yesterday, Prophet T. B. Joshua was quoted to have told faithfuls that Ebola Virus was sent to everyone by Satan.

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