
Friday, September 2, 2016



Brief history of human beings without computers

  • ·         Before the coming of computers, our forefathers based most of their calculations and communication on body parts and inscriptions on the wall. During that time they depended on body parts such as the hands, fingers and legs to communicate as well as to do little calculations. During the period, inefficiency solely prevailed, because human beings were not fast and vast enough to do many tasks at the same time. 
  •    But with gradual development and innovation, a better, faster and more efficient way of doing things evolved, and it was named computer. Ranging from the start up stages of vacuum tubes, computer has gradually grown and is still progressing in our society today.
                                                        Life with the coming of computers

Image result for life with computers

  • ·         Over the course of hundreds of years, computer has been labelled as one of the things that influences people the most, from the receiving of data, to the processing of data and to production of an output. Computer is so versatile that it covers almost all aspects of our lives ranging from academics, health, office works, church, schools e.t.c. There is no denying the fact that if computer was to go out of existence today, almost half of the human race would be affected by it. In our present life, everything is connected with computers technology. We use computers at homes, schools, banks, hospitals, and many other places. A computer is a help and comfortable invention. Most things we know are run or made by computers. For example, cars, traffic signals, medical equipment's, and most jobs today require the use of computer. It plays a major role, and has a huge impact in our society.
                                                               A life without computers 

  • ·         The main  effects of living without computers might be i)losing time, ii)inaccuracy, iii)poor decision making, iv)diminished access to large information and v)usage of more resources

  • ·         Computer being a versatile machine, is able to perform various tasks at the same time competently and on time, Computers complete a lot of work for us which normally consume a long time. If we did not have computers, we would need a long time to do so many tasks and it would not only be stressful, but it would also waste a lot of time because unlike computers, human beings cannot keep working without limits. For example a government official may be able to compile the names and locations of a thousand people within minutes using a computer, but if such a task was to be done without computers, it might end up taking days if not months. By using computers, we will save our time, and get accurate results, but without computers, more time would be used.

  • ·         Computers provide us with accuracy. Many fields need computers to ensure the accuracy of their works and results. For example, many organizations use computers for keeping the records of their customers. Banks use computers for maintaining accounts and managing financial transactions. The banks are also providing the facility of online banking. The customers can check their account balance using the internet. They can also make financial transaction online. The transactions are handled easily and accurately with computerized systems. But if all these activities were to be carried out without computers, there would be lots and lots of mistakes and results would never be as accurate as the computer’s.

  • ·         Unlike human beings, a computer does not suffer from limitations associated with living beings like tiredness and lack of concentration and hence can work for hours at a stretch. Human beings are prone to mistakes, we are not perfect, no matter how fast, intelligent and good a person is,  he/she eventually makes a mistake. Unlike computers that are diligent to strictly performing a task, human beings may miss some key details and at the end make some mistakes that would eventually hinder the proper decision making process or even if the decision is made, it might not be implemented in the best and most efficient manner possible because of inappropriate/inaccurate data that was compiled in the first place.

  • ·         Computer can be used as a great educational tool. Students can have access to all sorts of information on the internet. Some great websites like Wikipedia, Khan’s Academy, Code Academy, Byte-Notes provides free resources for students & professionals. These websites collect information from all around the world and they summarize it into easier forms for students to access easily with a computer from any part of the world. Now, without computers, people would not be able to access bulky information easily, rather they would be driven back to the traditional/ typical method of collecting different sorts of data from different libraries and then also left with the task of computing that data to become information and people would not be able to seek information from all parts of the world, rather they would be restricted to getting hard copy materials from sources closest to them.

  • ·         Finally, the job a single computer would do in hours, might take 5men days to complete, so without computers, more labor would be required and more resources such as time and money would be spent on completing a task that would have been easily finished with a computer. 

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