
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Amazing facts of most marriages


Love indeed is an amazing thing because it still gets to amaze me how a very promising young man and woman decide to get married because they claim to love each other and 10years into the marriage this same couple become spiteful enemies. 
Ok, you’re a young man and you seriously claim to love a young lady, and why do you love her? probably because she’s pretty, smart , sexy and has all the physical qualities you could possibly need , what you call love is simply lust, but  you’d rather take your chances at life instead of settling down to make the right decision, you speed things up and marry this promising young woman who you barely know ,fine you say you’ve known her for  months  and that should be enough , but the truth is that even 24 months cannot be enough to know a person you want to spend the rest of your life with, but without any regards you walk down the aisle with this lady and bam!!!  10 years later you start shouting that you’re tired of the way she cooks, you're tired of the way she sleeps , you’re tired of the way she talks infact you go as far as calling her lazy, ugly etc some are so reasonless that they say they are tired of her face. Can you imagine , you’re tired of her face now , but ten years ago you kept on pestering her, calling her an angel and the queen of beautifies anything she touched , where did all those sweet compliments go ? Some say they are tired of her because she has lost her sexy shape, aren’t you the one that put a baby in her that made her that way?
The love that once burned like an abyss has started dying gradually and through this whole time the woman has no choice but to accept all these  insults from her obnoxious hubby who seems to only find pleasure in calling her names and on special occasions ,turning her into a punching bag, but amidst all that she  keeps praying for her spouse because he’s the head of the family and after  all she can’t go back to being single and searching again because she has spent most of her youthful days with you and has also become the mother of your children, more often than never, these women are taken for granted and degraded but it only takes the strong ones to get back on their feet and fight back, the weaker ones have no other choice but to stay down and remain subject to the different kind of manipulative tricks  their spouses keep playing ,ranging from having different concubines to other extra marital affairs and at the end of the day, you have a broken home. Now let’s rephrase , if only you had waited a little to longer to know her, you’d have known her flaws and made proper adjustments before walking down the aisle , if you had only been patient ,you wouldn’t have found yourself searching for sexual satisfaction outside you marital home, if you had waited a little longer , you’d have known you were not compatible with this woman but it’s already too late you’ve wasted both your lives, but its most unfortunate that it’s the woman who ends  being more broken than ever, so you better go back to that your wife before amadioha strikes you , it’s never too late to make adjustments ,because for a woman to be with you through the whole time of your misbehavior, means she really loves you and will be more than willing to change just to have her happy home back so give it a try and see how it works .

 photo credit : shutterstock

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