
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Making a difference doesn't cost a thing

There were this two wealthy Arab princes, they were both great friends and always had each others backs, but amidst all that love and similarity they shared, they were still different; the first prince was a self centred and greedy person, he only attended fundraisers and events  that added fame to his name and showed his names in the headlines of most luxurious newspapers, his friend on the other hand wasn't as wealthy as the other, but he always tried to help those he could, he helped people financially, materially etc, but never wanted publicity for his acts, he always made sure that the donations he made, were never traced back to him .
Over the years the relationship between this two friends grew stronger and stronger, then one day the two friends were invited to a wedding, so they both prepared and in a few minutes, they were on their way to the event, during the whole time the first prince just bragged about how he hadn't been given full acknowledgements for a donation, he bragged and bragged through the trip, the other Prince got angry and then tried to explain to him, that life wasn't just about accomplishments, how life wasn't just about giving out of pleasure, but rather giving to make a difference and giving because of  love, after that there was silence in the car  nobody said a word until they finally reached the venue, where they were welcomed and after  a few hours the event was done and they were both back in the car driving home, the first prince then decided to break the silence, and apologize for being so cocky and as usual they both smiled and agreed that things were going to change, just then, a truck ahead of them had lost its brakes and was skewing fast towards them, the driver tried to bring the car to a stop but it was already to late, as the truck had skewed of its own lane into the other lane where they were and before anything could happen, the two vehicles had collided and the jeep containing the princes, had been set ablaze, everything happened so fast.
The next morning the first prince woke up in the hospital, confused, weak and seriously burned, he tried to turn sideways to look for his friend, but he didn't see him, so he tapped the emergency button besides him and in a few seconds, a nurse had come in, the nurse tried to explain to him that his friend didn't make it and he was very lucky to be alive, the prince was devastated on hearing the sad news, he broke down and started crying, he cried because he felt life was to short for his bud, he cried because he felt useless, he cried because he felt the last moments he shared with his friend were not the moments they had planned for, he cried because he had lost the only person who always told him the undiluted truth, but amidst all that, he found peace in the advice he had received from his friend before the accident .The prince felt so much pain that he just wanted to die, the pain in his chest was becoming too much, he had started having this sour taste in his mouth, he was feeling cold,  he was gradually blacking out and just when he thought that things were over, he woke up from his terrible nightmare.
He was so scared that the first thing he did was to call his friend(the other prince ) and asked him to come over,he wanted to be sure it was just a dream, after some time the friend knocked on his door, the prince opened the door and embraced his friend, he held him so tight he didn't want to let him go, his eyes were filled with tears, after that he invited the friend in and narrated the whole dream, the friend just smiled and told him that may be it was meant to be an eye opener for him to redirect his way of life,the princes then smiled and decided to work together for a greater purpose, not just to get wealthier.
A year later the princes set up a charity organization, which helped both the old and young all over the world, their actions and contributions were felt anywhere they went, they touched lives and they grew to love it.

There's no need to pretend you're better than others & that you have to win everything. The Almighty knows our weakness. Be honest with Him.

We often think we need much before we can be happy. Truth is, happiness is what you feel. Make someone's day & see how blissful you can be.

The End

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