
Friday, January 1, 2016

We are working towards a greater Nigeria-PMB

President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday in Abuja reassured Nigerians that his administration was determined tomake things betterin the shortestpossible time.
The President, who gave the reassurancein his new year message, said he was aware that Nigerians had experienced a number of significant hardships over the past months.
He, however, stated that thesechallenges were temporary as his administration was working hard tomake thingsbetterfor all Nigerians, irrespective of theirsocio-political backgrounds.
“I am aware that Nigerians have experienced a number of significant hardships over the past months.
Living in the StateHouse has not alienated me from your daily sufferings.
“I am aware ofthe lengthy queues at fuel stations and of the difficulties businesseshave faced in acquiring foreign exchange.
“These challenges are only temporary; we are working to make thingsbetter.’’
Buhari pledged to continueto do his utmost bestto keepto every promise hemade to Nigerians during the electioncampaign.
He said that he would be totally committedto being that kind of leader.
He promised to continueto initiate positive and enduring changefor the bettermentofthe nation in spite ofdistractions in some quarters.
“When I presentedmyself to you as a presidential candidate and asked you to vote for me, I wanted to be a leader who keepshis promises.
I wanted to bea leader who restoresthe people’s hope in those electedto servethem.
“I wanted to be a leader who initiates positive and enduring CHANGE.
“I am still totally committedto being that kind of leader.
“Unforeseencircumstancesand other distractionsnotwithstanding, I shall still do my utmostbestto keep every promise I madeto Nigerians during my electioncampaign,’’ he added.
Buhari further stated that Nigerians would in due coursebegin to enjoy the fruits ofhis administration’s ongoing work.
According tohim, the effectiveand efficient implementationof the 2016 budget proposals will address many of thesocio-economic issues that are of current concern to Nigerians.
“One area in which Nigerians, especially those in the northeast, have already begunto experiencemajor CHANGE is in the war on terror.”
The President, therefore, commendedthe Armed Forcesfor significantly curtailing the insurgency which had ravaged the northeast of Nigeria over thepast fewyears.
He, however, stated that there was still a lot of work to be done in the area of security.
Our Armed Forceswill maintain, consolidate and build on theirsuccessesin the war against Boko Haram and violent extremism.
“This governmentwill not consider the matter concluded until the terroristshave been completely routed and normalcy restoredto all partsof the country that have been adversely affectedby the Boko Haram insurgency,’’ he said
On corruption, thepresident said his administration’s ongoing crackdown on corruption would continue to be vigorously undertaken.
He urged the courtsto support theseefforts and help in the recovery ofstolen fundsby speedily concluding trials and showing that impunity no longer had a place in the country.
“Thereis muchwork to do in other areas as well and I have charged all myministers and otherappointees toensure that Nigerians experiencepositive changesin theirlives in 2016.
We must reduceour country’s reliance on oil. We must diversify our economy. And we must do all we can to promote job creation.
“Our challenges are many but our determination to succeedis strongand unshaken.
“So too is our confidence in God. I wish you all a veryHappy New Year,’’ the President said

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