
Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Seedshave nutritive and calorific values which make them necessaryin diets. In this article, VICTOR OKEKE examines the benefitsof wonderful kola.
Buccholzia coricea popularly known as “Wonderful Kola” is a perennial plant which grows as a tree. Itbelongs to the family Capparaceae and itslocal nameinclude ‘uworo’ ‘(Yoruba)’, ‘owi’ (Edo), ‘uke’ (Igbo).
The plant parts commonly eaten are theseeds which are eithercooked or eaten raw.
Thereis little or no information on the chemical compositionof the seedsof Buccholzia coricea.
ResearcherGodwin Abiodun Oyefesosaid “wonderful kola is known as memory nut because it enhancesthe memory. It acts as cleanerof the blood, facilitates learning ability and strengthens the nervoussystem, and also effectivein the treatmentof menstrual problems.
It is also useful in the treatment of hypertensionand also preventspremature aging; it has also been provedin Africa that Wonderful kola has the ability to stop migraine/headache when applied on the fore head for ten minutes
Here are some medicinal benefitsof Wonderful Cola and its usesas a quick cure to various kinds of diseases as recommendedby Dr Eleyinte Samue- a traditional medicine practitioner in an article- Herbal Remedy to Diseasesin Nigeria.
For treating impotency: Getthree wonderful cola, cut it into pieces, prepare with hot (local gin) for two days, after that take a shot cup beforebreakfast and one aftermeal in the night for three days. For ear disease: Grind a cola with hot (local gin) or water for a day, the next day, put two drops in each ear.
Typhoid and Malaria: Getfourwonderful cola, fourginger; four bittercola cut them into pieces and prepare with two bottlesof 7up soft drink for two days. Adult: two spoonful, children: one tablespoon.
Toothache: Getone cola, grind and put inside local gin for some minutes, then put in your mouth for three minutes.
Intestinal worms: Get2 wonderful cola, grind and put in tonic water for two days. Adult: two tablespoonand Children: one tablespoon, two times daily. Rheumatism: Getfour wonderful cola, four ginger, fivebitter cola, 2 alligator pepper, scentleaf, pound togetherand prepare with dry gin. Take two spoonin the morning and in the evening.
Gonorrhea: Wonderful cola, potash, tobacco leaf, 15 ampicillin capsules, prepare with dry gin. Take two spoons in themorning and at night. Cholera: Buy 3 wonderful cola, prepare with lime juice and scentjuice for 2 days. Adult should take two spoons; children, one spoonfou times daily.
For whit-low: Grind one wonderful cola and put in lime juice to ferment, put your affected finger in it for ten minutes. Do it repeatedly until it disappears According toa study by N.C Amaechi on Nutritive and Anti-Nutritive Evaluation of Wonderful Kola (Buccholzia coricea) Seeds and published in the Pakistan Journal of Nutrition in 2009, B. coriceaseeds contain high percentageof carbohydrate 77.18% which makes it a good source of energyfor human nutrition. The seed’s low mineral composition needs to besupplemented when utilized in isolation.
The resultof the finding also showedlow levels ofoxalates and tannins but appreciable quantities of saponins and phytates.
Pretreatmentof B. coricea seedssuch as boiling could be beneficial beforeit is consumedby eitherhumans or animals. It showedthat seedwith appreciable quantities of saponin could be a good medicinal plant for the management ofcertain health conditions such as hyper-cholesterolemia.

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