
Saturday, February 14, 2015

#Single&Heartbroken: See5 thingsyou should do today instead

You don’t have a date for today? Quit whining.
Weunderstand that being single on February 14 – official designated romanticday of the year – can be painful.
It’sespecially miserable if you’ve recently brokenup with someoneyou loved.
However, rather thanenvy your peers who are sittingdown to a romanticcandlelit dinner with theirhoney pie, sugar sugar, sweetyboo and what have you, we recommendyou try out theseactivities:
1. Make Valentine for those in need:
Love doesn’t just consist of romanticlove. Thereis love all around us, all the time.
Hospitals love to receive sweetvalentines for theirsickkids, elderly patients, etc.
Putsmiles on faces…and most importantly, you’ll make someonefeel special and loved.
Okay, schoolsare on breaktoday(weekend), but there are other options including an orphanage home or rehabilitation center.
Give joy toothers. You will like yourself better and you might continuethis customevenafter you have founda loving partner. You could get a group of othersingle friendsto go with you and go out afterward togethersothat you can sharethat fulfilled feeling of having given love topeople who badly need it.
2. Surprise your parents:
Even if you’re all grown up, you can still make todayspecial for your parents. They really
were your original ‘significant other’. Send them flowers, cards, hampers, gift items to make them feel special…after all they have always been there for you to lean on.
3. Spend it with your other single friends:
Just because you’re single is no reasonto stayat homealone.
Getout there and have some fun!
You could visit the movies, plan a nice dinner out together, then drink, drink, DRINK but don’t getdrunk. Just go have a genuinely good time with the peoplewho love you.
Oh by theway, don’t feel the need to Instagramthe whole thing just to proveto the world (and your ex) that you’re having a great time without them.
4. Treatyourself:
Distractyourselfwith something fabulous. In otherwords, simply beso engaged in something that you can’t evenrememberit is Valentine’s Day.
Go to a spa for a relaxing massage and facial….spoil yourself, spend the moneyyou normally would on your BF/GF on yourself.
5. Revel in your singleness, it is priceless:
This momentis temporary. See the richness that this current phase of your life has to offer and revel in every minuteof it, knowing that thenext stage will be here soon enough.
Love is wonderful — it expands your heartand soul —so muchso that you don’t need a spouse or partner toexperience it BUT that’s not to sayromanticlove is not out there!
Who knows? You might like all thethings you did this Valentine’s Day somuch that you’ll do thesame thing next year —just adding, the love of your life.
Happy Valentine Days!

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