
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FG Introduces MeasuresTo Protect DataIntegrity

The federal governmenthas introducedmore stringent measurestowards protectingdata integrity on the IPPIS platform, in order to ensurethat officersin the Federal Public Service are not able to manipulate their records.
In a statementsignedby assistant director of Media Relations for the Head of theCivil Service of the Federation, MohammedManga, a circular titled “IncessantRequestsfor Change of Employee Dateof Birth and Dateof First Appointment on theIPPIS Platform”, was issued yesterdayfromthe office of the Head of Service of the Federation and senttoall Ministries, Departmentsand Agencies(MDAs) of the federal government.
In the statement, theHead of the Civil Service of the Federation, Mr. Danladi Kifasi said that it has been observedwith serious concernthe incessantrequestsfor correctionof Datesof Birth (DOB) and Dateof First Appointment (DOFA) of officersfrom various Ministries, Departmentsand Agencies (MDAs), that the requestsare usually predicated on the claim that a mistakewas madeat the time of capturing the employee’s records on theIPPIS Platform.
Kifasi said, “All Permanent Secretariesand Heads of Agenciesare required to thoroughly scrutinise the documentspresentedby officers for any change of data on the IPPIS Platform, as theywould beheld personally liable for any information or falsification of such application.”
The Head of Service stressedthat, Information on employee’s Dateof Birth and Dateof First Appointment, formpart ofthe sensitive employeedata variables on theIPPIS Platform and must thereforebe handle with caution, therebydirected that all requestsfor correction of Dateof Birth and Dateof First Appointment by Officers must be addressed to theHead of the Civil Service of the Federation.
He added that such requestsmust also be accompanied with employee’spersonal files, containing records of service and other relevant documentsto buttressthe claims and that such requestsshould be forwarded throughletters duly endorsed by Directorsof Human ResourcesManagement (HRM) of their respectiveMDAs, also warned that any breach of theseprocedureswill attract sanctionsin accordance with thePublic Service Rules (PSR).

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