
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Interview(A Short Story)-By Divepen

Daniel Ogooluwa looked at his wristwatch for the umpteenth time as he looked about him in the reception. His feet was dancing-or rather, he was shaking it- as he expects the secretary to call on him anytime. He is a 24-year-old man, who had just graduated from the University Of Lagos with a first class.

He knew he would get the job, what else do the company wants. He had made sure he was always the best at everything he did. He made sure he got the best score in every courses, and that was why he really cried the day he got lower that 70 in one of his courses.

Daniel checked the wristwatches again; it was a Rolex which was given to him as a gift by one of the ladies he thought a work she did not know. 'Daniel Oghoholuwa', the secretary called, pronouncing his surname 'Ogooluwa' with the accent of one from the eastern part of Nigeria. Daniel stood up. She pointed the way to him, but he did not need it as he had already started moving towards the direction of the room. He fear what he would meet. This was his first interview; the first since he was born.

He opened the door, and felt like running back when he saw the eyes of the people seated behind a big black desk. Four people- three men and a woman whose disposition can make any (emotionally) weak man pee- were there waiting for him to come inside.

He dragged his feet as he moved to the wooden chair that was placed at the side of the desk he was standing. Blood was draining away from his head and were moving slowly towards his legs. He needed to sit down, and so he sat down. The interviewers looked at themselve in an amused way, and this made Daniel happy; he was happy that he had done things that had made is interviewers happy.

' Welcome', the woman started as the others seems to be short of words. ' Mr...' She picked up his CV,' Daniel Ogooluwa'. ' Thanks ma'. ' Please sell yourself'. At first Daniel thought it was a compliment and was expecting her to continue what she was saying but she did not talk; instead she rested back in her chair, a pen dangling furiously in between her teeth. Daniel blinked, and wondered what she meant. Sell? Sell?

Blood were flushing out of his face, and he couldn't breathe well neither could he stop blinking. He felt the cold air of the Air condition blowing his face, and he wasn't sure if he had not become permeable because he seems to catch cold. ' Sell... Sell myself?' Daniel asked pushing himself to the edge of the chair he was sitting on, and that one screeched. ' Yes... I said sell yourself', the strict woman affirmed.

Daniel swallowed as he nodded. ' I don't understand you'. ' Okay... What she was trying to say is that you should tell us about yourself- something like that' said a man whose tie refused to go lower than the third button of his shirt. Daniel tried to say all he could, then ' What leadership position have you held before?' The woman asked again. Daniel did not know when he rested his back on the arm chair, and sighed. ''.

They asked other questions, and told him they would get back to him; however, he did not receive any call for them. Later, he went to other interviews but he still was not called, and this made wondered what was wrong. At this trying time, Daniel recalled those days he detested politics;leadership; all religion and the rest, now he is in for it. He had limited Education to just studying work alone, now he had to face the consequence.

Three years later, he got a job at a small pure water company and from there he started his education.

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