
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Finding Wi-Fi in the most unexpected places

Most of us would like tostay connected, evenwhen we’re on the go. Whenwe’re in our hometowns, we can rely on mobile networks. But, when traveling, roaming costsand otherfactors make us more dependenton Wi-Fi hotspots.We’re used to finding them in airports, restaurants or shopping malls. But, did you know that evenMount Everest has itsown Wi-Fi zones?
We thought it’d be fun to sharea list of some of the most unexpectedplaces where you can find Wi-Fi. Check it out:
TheNorth Pole
The NorthPole’s glaciers got theirfirst Wi-Fi hotspotback in 2005. Itwas installed at the “Barneo” research station by a Russian IT team.
The highestmountain in the world has several Wi-Fi zones at different heights , the topmostconnection point being at5,300 meters.In 2013, Everestalso received a 4G network. Thus, alpinists have several options for getting online at good speeds while tackling thesummit.
By the way, speaking of mobile networksat big heights– last autumn, a team of Russian alpinists testedour data savings app Opera Max fromLenin Peak, a 7,134-metermountain in Central Asia. There, a transmitteris installed in thebasecamp, at an altitude of3,600 meters.
Morethan40 airlines already offerin-flight internet access.Though, it is only available on certainflights, and often it’s not free.
A salt minein Poland
From theEarth’s heights to itsdepths– not far from Krakow in Poland there’s a free Wi-Fi zone, 125 metersunderground, in an old, abandoned salt mine, now open for tourist visits.
An entirecountry with Wi-Fi
We founda remarkable place in our search: a whole “Wi-Fi nation”. It’sNiue, a small island country in the Pacific, where you will find a free hotspotliterally anywhere on the island. Full coveragefor all!
Comingsoonto an oceannear you?
Recently, a group of American scientists successfullytestedan underwater Wi-Fi network . Theiridea is touse it for ocean research. Over time, this technology if bound towork itsway into consumer world, and we’ll be able to post instant selfies with fish. Thatis, if we have waterproof smartphones…
Whether you get online from thetallest mountain, a Pacific island or any other unexpectedplace, Opera’s mobile browsers are always at your service to make your internet experiencebetter.We make sure you can find information fast, accessyour favorite siteseasily and discovernew contentwherever you are.
What’s the most unexpecteddestination where you’ve found Wi-Fi?

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