
Friday, December 19, 2014

Buari takes lead over Jonathan in online opinion poll with 64% - 36 %

FORMER head of state General Muhammadu Buhari has taken a commanding lead over President Goodluck Jonathan in an online opinion poll conducted by Nigerian FM asking voters who they would vote for in next year's elections.

In February's elections, General Buhari of the All Progressives Congress (APC) will take on President Jonathan of the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP). In the straw online poll, 64% of respondents said they would vote for General Buhari with President Jonathan trailing with just 36% of those polled saying they would vote for him.

Now five days old, the poll shows that the APC has gained immensely from the selection of Professor Yemi Osibanjo as General Buhari's running mate, as it has garnered support across southwestern Nigeria where the law academic is from. Also, Professor's clean public service record is proving to be a vote winner, with respondents veering towards the APC as a result.

Available at the poll targets voters in every state of Nigeria. Nigerian Fm has appealed to diasporans not to participate in the poll, however, as they are not eligible to vote in elections.

President Jonathan's PDP has been in office since 1999 when Nigeria returned to civil rule and the APC has been campaigning saying that the party has nothing to show for it. In return, the PDP has painted General Buhari as intolerant soldier and a hardline Muslim incapable of running a modern democracy.

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