
Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Nigerian military commence airstrike, ends alleged caliphate in gwoza, limankara

The Nigerian Military Commence Airstrike - ends alleged Islamic Caliphate in Gwoza, Limankara.

The military on friday carried out airstrikes against Boko Haram positions in Limankara and Gwoza in Borno State while hundreds of troops mobilized to the frontline in Gulak, Adamawa State against the insurgents.

Residents said several armoured vehicles were deployed in Gulak between Wednesday and yesterday while military trucks conveyed soldiers to the town.

Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, had claimed setting up an Islamic caliphate in Gwoza which has been under the group’s control for weeks. The insurgents have captured Limankara and some areas under Madagali LGA of Adamawa State after assaults on security formations.

A Gwoza resident, Mamman Madobi, said a few minutes after three military planes hovered, they heard sounds of 15 explosions in the direction of Madagali, Limankara and Gwoza. Army Public Relations Officer, Captain Jafaru Nuhu could not comment on the issue.

The attack on Boko Haram Islamist strongholds across the northeast included a massive launch of deadly air strikes on insurgent camps, the military said, while residents reported that forces had deployed in border areas to block the militants from fleeing.

Several thousand soldiers have spread across three northeastern states where President Goodluck Jonathan imposed a state of emergency after Boko Haram seized territory and declared war against the government.

...“There have been air strikes since Wednesday,” defence spokesman Brigadier General Chris Olukolade told AFP, specifying that they were continuing Friday.

“Every one of their strongholds is under attack,” he said, adding that he believed “there are a lot of casualties,” without providing a figure.

The offensive is ongoing in all three states put under emergency decree, including Adamawa and Yobe, but Borno state is expected to see the most intense fighting.

Many have warned that there is a risk of high civilian deaths and Nigeria’s military has been accused of massive rights violations in the past, including indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

The operation is the largest against Boko Haram since 2009, when soldiers flooded Borno’s capital Maiduguri, killing more than 800 people and forcing the insurgents underground for a year.

In the town of Gamburu Ngala on the border with Cameroon in northern Borno, residents said that heavily armed troops and tanks arrived on Wednesday, sealing off previously unmanned border posts.

Northeast Nigeria, the epicenter of the Boko Haram insurgency, has porous borders with Cameroon, Chad and Niger, with criminal groups and militants flowing freely between the countries.

“Since January the border posts have been abandoned…but now these posts have been taken over by soldiers,” said resident Haruna Garba.

Olukolade confirmed that forces had been sent to the region, but would not say whether the borders had been sealed.

Reports of Boko Haram’s presence in Cameroon first emerged in February, following the kidnap there of a French family visiting a game park near the Nigerian border.

Soldiers have surrounded the town of Krenuwa in Marte district, also in northern Borno and one of the areas where Boko Haram has taken power, chased away all government officials and removed Nigerian flags, residents said.

Abur Kullima told AFP Friday that he fled his home in Krenuwa in fear of the coming assault.

He said that after the state of emergency was declared in a national broadcast late Tuesday, Islamist gunmen began moving through the district trying to mobilise people “in preparation to face Nigerian troops.”

“I was so scared for my life and my family’s, which led me to decide to leave,” he told AFP from Gamburu Ngala, where he is staying with a friend.

Anyone who tries to leave Krenuwa is screened by the soldiers who have encircled the town, he said.

Boko Haram has become notorious for blending in with the local population, both in towns and major cities where they have carried out suicide bombings as well as gun and bomb assaults.

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