
Thursday, November 7, 2013

You Won't Believe Why This 75-Year-Old Grandpa Killed Himself

There was confusion at Oke Ayepe area of Osogbo, Osun State, on Wednesday when family members found the lifeless body of an elderly man, Hassan Adisa, dangling in a store in his residence.
It was gathered that Adisa, 75, had been having issues with a financial institution which gave him a loan facility. He was said to have terminated his life to prevent being ridiculed.
A family source told journalist, who visited the residence, that none of the family members knew the actual amount of money the deceased owed.
Two of his commercial buses were said to have been confiscated by his creditors, while the third bus was found parked in front of the house on Wednesday.
According to the family source, the deceased woke up early and prepared for the morning prayer at a mosque opposite his residence and his relatives were, however, surprised that the septuagenarian did not attend the prayer despite preparing for it.
On returning to the house, the family members headed for his room but did not find him there. Adisa, who was dressed in a black singlet and yellow lace trousers, was said to have be found later dangling on a rope tied to the roof of the storeroom.
Some members of the family blamed the suicide on spiritual forces, saying the deceased had grown up children who could assist him to repay the loan.
Members of the Disaster Management and Rescue Team of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps led by one Mr. Femi Awofade, was seen at the residence.
The Public Relations Officer of the NSCDC, Mr. Ayo Olowe, said, “We got information that a man committed suicide at Ayepe this morning (Wednesday).  Our men went to the scene to see what actually happened. We have called the police and investigation to unravel the mystery behind the incident is ongoing.”
Source: Vanguard

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