
Monday, November 11, 2013

''My Twin Brother Is Now My Twin Sister - And She's Prettier Than Most Girls I Know'' (PHOTOS)

For the first time ever, Adam Eagle ­poses for a happy ­family photograph with his pretty twin, Jamie.
It has never happened before because, until six months ago, Adam refused to accept that his brother was actually his sister.
He used to taunt Jamie for being different and effeminate and – even after she was diagnosed ­transgender – he could not bear to be near her.
But the 20-year-old siblings are now reforging their bond and he is supporting Jamie who hopes to have a full sex-swap ­operation on the NHS next year.
She is taking female hormones in preparation.
Adam said: “Since taking hormones Jamie has blossomed into a beautiful woman – much prettier than some girls I know.
"I finally accept my brother is now my sister and I’m ashamed about my past behaviour.”
The non-identical twins were close growing up in Bridgend, South Wales, with mum Bev, now 58, dad Phil, 51, and sisters Clare, 38, and Michelle, 32.
But problems started when they were about six and Jamie started wearing her sisters’ school skirts in secret.
Jamie said: “I knew it wasn’t ­normal but it felt right.”
Astrophysics university student Adam said: “Pictures of us as kids show us in matching outfits, cropped hair and we’re either climbing rocks or going on lads’ rides at the funfair.
"But Jamie was never happy posing for them. School bullies used to call Jamie gay – he was very feminine
“I didn’t understand why he wanted to play with Barbies when I played with Action Man so I often joined in a teased him too.
“It was easier to side with the bullies than it was to stick up for Jamie – I didn’t understand his behaviour, his mannerisms were feminine and he had a soft, girlie voice. I assumed he was gay.”
When Jamie reached 12 she started fancying straight boys and everyone thought she was homosexual.
She said: “I knew I wasn’t but didn’t know what was different about me.
“My body made me feel really uncomfortable. I hated my body hair, voice and genitalia.”
Two years later Jamie started secretly shaving her legs and using her mum’s make-up. But it was another two years before she told a sister she was transgender.

She said: “I was desperate, I wanted to cut my genitals off. I burst into tears one night and blurted to Michelle: ‘I want to be a girl.’
“She hugged me and said she’d always known I was different. She told mum who said she loved me no matter what.”
Jamie’s dad came to terms with the shock news but Adam did not.
Jamie said: “He shouted at me ‘You’re a boy.’ He said I should stop acting like a girl and was convinced I was going through a phase that I’d grow out of.
"It was very upsetting.”

Adam said: “It was a huge bombshell. I’d heard about transgender people but never thought my own twin could be one.
“I found it hard because as twins we’re meant to be so similar. I couldn’t bear to be in the same room as him. I thought he looked ­stupid in a dress.”
On a 2009 family holiday in Portugal, Jamie started wearing hairbands and girlie jewellery, much to Adam’s embarrassment.
He said: “I told him if he was going to wear girls’ stuff I wouldn’t hang around with him – he’d get upset and cry but it just made me cringe.”
Jamie, now studying a counselling course at Bridgend College, was given the confidence to begin living full-time as a girl after being diagnosed as transgender by a psychiatrist and a specialist in May 2010.
She said: “I went shopping with my sisters to get dresses and hair extensions and told everyone to refer to me as a girl.”
But constant rows with Adam, who felt as if he was grieving for his brother, led to Jamie moving out of their home.
Adam said: “I’d lost my brother. I felt alone. I had arguments with my mum because I was unsupportive. But it took a long time to sink in.”
Jamie said: “Adam’s nasty comments have been really painful in the past, but I realise my transition has been hard for him too.
"Recently we went to the pub together and he was pleased to be seen with me, which was great.”
In March Jamie began taking female hormones and said: “The hormones have been fantastic – they’ve softened my body and facial hair, given me B-cup breasts, a curvy bottom and hips, and shrunk my genitalia.
"I feel so confident.”

Adam said: “I heard from mum that Jamie was getting grief from strangers and I realised I should be supporting her. I told her I deeply regretted the way I’d treated her.
"Sometimes I slip up and refer to Jamie as a he – but then she was my brother for 16 years. But I’m getting used to it.
“I’m so proud of her.
"Now, posing for photographs with her long blonde hair and make-up, she’s the real Jamie, the person she was born to be. I’m proud to tell people my twin sister is transgender.
"I explain what she’s been through and try to make them understand – it’s my way of supporting her. If she wants me to go to hospital appointments with her, I will, and if she ever needs to talk, I’ll always listen.”
He added: “Jamie has really blossomed. She’s developed a unique style and my mates have told me they think she’s pretty.
“Some people think I must be transgender too and I have wondered that myself at times because we’re twins, but I know I’m a straight guy.
"Jamie is cool and a real character. I love her just as much now as I did before she transitioned.”
Jamie said: “I feel closer to Adam now. His support means so much. I’ll always be his twin – I’m just his twin sister now, not his twin brother.”
Dad Phil said: “I’m very proud of her and I think Jamie’s shown immense courage to express her true feelings that she was in the wrong body.
“It takes a lot of guts to come out and say that. The way she has faced up to the persecution and bullying just shows she’s a stronger person than I ever could have been,” he added.
Source: ABCNews

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