
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mike Tyson Worried Bout Chris Brown, He Thinks The Pop Star Is Too Violent

Mike Tyson is worried about Chris Brown … he thinks the pop star is too violent … and if he doesn't cut the crap, CB is going to pay a very serious price.

Tyson was a guest on the 95.5 PLJ Morning Show this morning … when the gang asked if Mike, who’s battled anger issues in the past, had any advice for Chris — and Tyson delivered.

“I like and admire that little guy,” Tyson said … adding, “I’m just worried about him.”

Tyson says he knows from experience that if Chris doesn't learn to control his rage issues, people will turn on him — and “they’re gonna put him somewhere where that’s all they do is assault people.”

We’re guessing he means prison.

You gotta listen to the interview, it’s incredible — and Tyson ends with this gem: “Chris should know this … if you’re not humble in this world, this world will thrust humbleness upon you.”

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